Yes, The SaaS ‘Experiment’ Is Over — Seeking Alpha.
For the past two weeks, I’ve been debating whether to respond to a commentary in InfoWorld by Neil McAllister which asked,“Is the SaaS Experiment Finally Over?”
But, I couldn’t hold back any longer when one of the many online publications where I’m a contributor,eBizQ, posed the question in a more provocative fashion,“Is SaaS Dead?”
I couldn’t bring myself to respond to McAllister’s column when it was first published because his argument was so ludicrous. He alluded to a variety of past SaaS and cloud vendor service outages to raise concerns about the overall viability of these rapidly expanding markets. And he used a series of Gartnerisms to warn against developer migration to the SaaS model.
Yet, McAllister ignores the pervasive failures of traditional on-premise software which has inspired organizations of all sizes to explore and increasingly adopt SaaS alternatives to better meet their corporate needs.
The truth is that Gartner has been wrong about SaaS since the beginning. Even today, it has failed to fully recognize the current rate of SaaS adoption because they only talk to their traditional IT clients who are still trying to resist today’s trends because they see them as a threat to their jobs.
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