What is xRM?: How CRM Software Can Track More Than Just “Customers”
xRM has been getting a lot of hype recently, but many still do not understand exactly what it is.Or maybe you have not heard the termuntil now? Either way, to help make it simple, xRM takes CRM (which has historically helped automate sales, service and marketing for organizations) one-step further and allows you to track more than just customers. The “x” replaces the traditional “C”, or customer, value in the CRM acronym to become a variable. This willallow you to track information and processes around any variable that is important to your business. This means that while the product name is “CRM”, such as Microsoft Dynamics CRM, it can be used as a development platform to configure an xRM system thus allowing the out-of-the box Microsoft Dynamics CRM application to be more flexible and allowing users to expand the boundaries of the solution.
via What is xRM?: How CRM Software Can Track More Than Just “Customers” | CRM Software Blog.
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