Junta42 Content Marketing blog: Junta42 Launches Content Marketing Institute.
I’m really excited to announce the launch of theContent Marketing Institute (CMI).
The idea of CMI is simple – while there are a lot of great blogs, books and experts out there in and around content marketing, there are still so many questions.
- How do I develop a content marketing strategy?
- How do I create content that my audience will find valuable?
- What are the best content marketing tactics for my audience and expertise areas?
- How do I best manage the content marketing process? If I decide to outsource, how do I do that?
- How do I measure what’s working (and what’s not) to make changes?
Frankly, the questions will never stop. The answers…they will continually change.
The hope of CMI (what I call the great experiment), is to bring thebest and brightest minds in the content marketing and content strategy industries together to help marketing professionals answer these how-to questions.
CMI is launching as a daily source of how-to content marketing information, followed this summer by amembership site dedicated to content marketing training and education.
In the meantime,please check out this inaugural post for CMI entitledHow to Launch the Content Marketing Institute in 6 Steps.
What can you do?Sign up now to receive CMI updates and get notified as we move toward the membership portion this summer.
Thanks for being part of this important effort!
If you’d like information on contributing or possibly sponsorship,just shoot us a note here.
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