- Image by newrambler via Flickr
The Wyoming Newspaper Project will make newspapers printed in Wyoming between 1849 and 1922 accessible in an easily searchable format, over the internet, for free.
Discover the stories that formed Wyoming, through the Wyoming Newspaper Project. For the sheer volume of information they contain, newspapers are the single most important printed record of human activity. Historians, genealogists, and other scholars rely on them to provide a first-hand and sometimes the only account of local news. Available through this website are all the newspapers printed in Wyoming between 1849 and 1922, in an easily searchable format.
The Wyoming Newspaper Project will convert more than 900,000 newspaper pages from microfilm into digital format. Text to be made searchable includes news articles, news briefs, obituaries and other items of interest. Searching will be flexible, and users can either search or browse the entire collection, individual publications or some other group or set created by the user. The Wyoming State Library will use PTFS’ ArchivalWare to store, search, retrieve, browse and manage the collection of newspapers and trademarks.
This project is a work in progress. As of February 2009, we have over 407,000, or approximately half, of the full page newspaper images loaded. In the coming weeks and months, we expect to load the remaining full pages. A list of thenewspapers and dates loadedis now available and will be updated as we load more pages.
Read some history @http://www.wyonewspapers.org/
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