“Social” behaviors and the 90-9-1 rule | Enterprise 2.0 Community | AIIM Communities.
In 2006,Jakob Neilsen wrote inAlertbox about the 90-9-1 rule…
“User participation often more or less follows a 90-9-1 rule:
- 90% of users are lurkers (i.e., read or observe, but don’t contribute).
- 9% of users contribute from time to time, but other priorities dominate their time.
- 1% of users participate a lot and account for most contributions: it can seem as if they don’t have lives because they often post just minutes after whatever event they’re commenting on occurs.”
Another dimension of this phenomena is the degree to which potential community participants actively utilize the tools that are available.
Those of us who “do” a lot of publicsocial networking often make the assumption thateveryone else also does so.
Not so fast.
Earlier this week, I surveyed 650 individuals from organizations that use our industry’s technologies in some way, shape or form. Not exactly a technologically unsophisticated bunch. So how deeply has the use of major public social technology penetrated into this target population?
Not very.
Continues @http://aiimcommunities.org/e20/blog/social-behaviors-and-90-9-1-rule

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