Conversation Agent: Reputation Management and Value.
You understand this quite well as individuals —your reputation builds your credibility. Your credibility is the ultimate value of why someone would choose you over someone else for a project. It creates trust. Trust in turn helps you establish mutually beneficial relationships with others to get things done.
These actions, over time, increases your social capital and your conversational index online. You can manage your individual reputation, or that of your business by attending to and communicating a few things. There are things you can do:
- to improve your company reputation online — by sharing what you’re doing to bridge gaps in delivering solutions, address community concerns proactively, and earn permission to shift to a positive conversation
- to earn a good reputation — it is the one thing you cannot really buy. One key component is the responsibility to being authentic, honest, and ethical. The foundations are found in how the company lives its vision and leadership
- to add value — reputation has an impact on the perceived value of your brand. Which is why risk management, a discipline ofgood and proactive practices that help you identify, assess, implement, and measure activities that allow the organization to be strategic about risk is so important. A strong platform of support from the community
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