In this webinar, you’ll learn:
- How to create a single pristine, optimized video file for the web, which is playable both with a Flash player (even on Windows, without QuickTime installed), as well as on an iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Blackberry multimedia models, and Google/Android phones.
- How to determine the ideal bit rate for any particular video, quickly and easily: You’ll learn both the tool and the technique.
- HTML5, H.264, and Flash: what you need to know about the present and the future.
- When (and when not) to de-interlace your material, and at what step in your workflow.
- Inexpensive software & hardware tools that improve quality and save time when you encode for the web, or various other SD and HD devices.
- Legal and practical reasons why you are sometimes better off using your own web server, rather than certain popular free web streaming services like YouTube and Vimeo.
- Discounts for all attendees on software, and on flat-rate web hosting with unlimited bandwidth.
Allan T©pper has been working with professional video since the early eighties, since he first learned to edit video using the open-reel 1/2″ EIAJ-1 format with a Sony VO-3650 editing deck in his high school in Connecticut. Since 1994, T©pper has been consulting both end-users and manufacturers through his Florida company. Via TecnoTur, T©pper has been giving video technology seminars in several South Florida’s universities, user groups, and training centers, and in a half dozen Latin American countries, in their native language. T©pper has been a frequent radio/TV guest on several South Florida Latino stations, and on a couple of Venezuelan stations too. As a certified ATA (American Translators Association) translator, T©pper has also translated and localized dozens of advertisements, catalogs, software, and technical manuals for the Spanish and Latin American markets. T©pper’s most recent translations were the user interface for a Hong Kong company which makes a calling card application (BerryDialer) for Blackberry users, and for Avid’s official training manuals, together with Rub©n Abruña.
Over the past 19 years, T©pper’s articles have been published in more than a dozen magazines, newspapers, and electronic media in Latin America, mainly in Producción & Distribución and TTV. In 1998 T©pper founded SOPRÉPROC, the Sociedad para la preservación y progreso del castellano or Society for the Preservation and Evolution of the Castilian language (the world’s most widely used Spanish language). From 2000-2002, T©pper was also the editor of TTV, of the Izarra Group. From the end of 2006 until September 2007, T©pper was the co-director of the South Florida Final Cut Pro User Group. Currently, T©pper writes for ProVideo Coalition magazine, continues to give seminars, and directs his TecnoTur audio podcast, which now has both its original Castilian channel and the new English one, and includes telephone interviews with industry professionals worldwide. Subscribe free to either language of TecnoTur via iTunes or at, or visit

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