Mashable software fluency.Not all marketers have to become programmers, but those who understand how software is built and deployed in the new “mashable web” — a world ofmashups,widgets, andAPIs— will have a competitive advantage. (And if you can whip up a quick script yourself, more power to you.)
See, web marketing is no longer just about great content, a sweet design, and good search engine optimization. The new battleground is the web as an open, malleable, interconnected application Lego set, where your customers and partners can leverage functional components and data from in conjunction with feeds and APIs from Google,, and their own value-add streams into a whole new kind of software. Take a look at the thousand-plus APIs available onProgrammableWebfrom not just Yahoo, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, eBay, etc., but also The New York Times,, the BBC, Zillow, FedEx, and hundreds of other companies that are locking in digital relationships through useful services and data.
This ismashable marketing.
Somehow or another, your company should be plugging into these services, tapping and remixing them yourself, and contributing to the web-as-a-platform with your own branded stake in the ground. And although it’s rooted in technology — a very cool evolution of cloud computing — make no mistake:this is a marketing mission. You don’t necessarily need to personally know how to implement the code yourself, but you need to know enough about the uses and design patterns to make the right choices and direct the people who can implement them for you.
The semantic web andsemantic marketingare a part of this mashup software fluency.
The future is now
The original skills of marketing are still relevant, but now they must be augmented for a digital world that isn’t just a new medium. It’s a new marketing.
Are you and your team ready?
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