Into the Engagement Tier… – Gilbane Group Blog.
Recently I wrote an article for my blog –Taking the W out of CMS – exploring content management and content delivery as separate disciplines and this is a follow up to that article.
To summarize that article – firstly, to know me professionally, is to know that when it comes to the tribes of CMS folks, I am firmly in the WCM tepee.
Secondly, I disagreed the first time this discussion rolled around, as the millennium clicked over – we were all going to use portal platforms and content management functionality would be in our application server infrastructure (we don’t and it didn’t).
Thirdly, the difference between the systems we are building for tomorrow and then – our digital engagement activities were single threaded following a website groove and the end was very much the driver for the means.
For the mainstream CMS industry it was a web site centric world and in most projects and applications the term ‘CMS’ was interchangeable with ‘WCM’. Today we have a fragmented communication channel; it’s the age of the ‘splinternet’ (in this context,a term coined by Josh Bierhoff), delivering relevant content consistently to multiple places.
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