Good Digital Asset Management interview over at Extensis blog
What is the most common digital asset management issue reported to you by your clients?
Most of the customers I meetare looking for a single solution, which, through speed, ease of use, cost efficiency, flexibility, scalability and long term viability, can resolve the following issues:
– Fast and simple search capabilitiestofind relevant content
– Time saving when indexing and describing content
– Ease of use for all types of users
– Ease of customization and evolution over time
– Compatibility of a variety of formats
– Long term viability of the software and the manufacturer
What changes have you seen in the digital asset management market in the last five years?
For the pastfive years, the key trends have been the stabilization and consolidation of the digital asset management market. There came an end to the time where themarket was diversified and chaotic, with numerous domains, DAM, MAM, CMS, GED. Where every new product and new entrant pretended to reinvent the wheel, and would claim to resolve all the issues and challenges along the content life cycle. All this on a price scale that extended from 1 to 100, where, most of the time, customers ended up being locked in to a costly, complex solution, which was still under development, and did not really meet the customers initial needs, requirements, and budget. Instead, the offerings in the DAM market over the pastfive years, have been clarified and simplified, not only in terms of the number of key players, but also in terms of positioning, functionalities, ease of use and deployment (technical and economical), and above all, in their ability to actually meet customers specifications.
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