How can Digital Asset Management help you work more efficiently?.
When talking with Brand Owners and Media Agencies from all over the world, the same statements and demands are repeated again and again:
- Any new platform must enable our company to work more efficiently and securely.
- Any solution should result in a more streamlined and manageable production setup.
To respond to these requirements, enterprises often invest in a Digital Asset Management (DAM) application to enable the relevant people to search, preview and download files and documents. But the content in these DAMs often ends up as only final and approved materials that are stored there for some indefinite time. In other words, your DAM application becomes an archive of approved media – just like a fileserver might.
This limited type of DAM also means that Designers and Graphics people continue to work just like they would on a fileserver infrastructure – with limited security controls and less-than-perfect search capabilities. Further, there are no workflow controls or version controls built into the system to improve efficiency and ease-of-use for those involved.
Not so great, right?
So while such DAM infrastructures have made a first step through better searches, they are hardly ideally suited to the complex needs of a modern agency or marketing department. Missing are many things, including: company-wide process controls, a platform to set and reach goals, approval cycle tools, robust security, the ability to measure and guarantee results, etc.
Creating a DAM solution that address the two key requirements
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