Henry Stewart Talks: The realities of modern digital and media asset management.
1. What is DAM – the discipline and practice of Digital Asset Management
Mr. David Lipsey 2. The business case for DAM (43 mins) Ms. Theresa Regli – The Real Story Group, USA/UK 3. The role of metadata and XMP in Digital Asset Management – part 1 (45 mins) Mr. Seth Earley – Earley & Associates, USA 4. The role of metadata and XMP in Digital Asset Management – part 2 (40 mins) Mr. Seth Earley – Earley & Associates, USA 5. Best practices in DAM implementation Mr. Alec Wadey – Technical Architect, HintTech, UK 6. Rights technologies and online content business models (59 mins) Mr. Bill Rosenblatt – President, GiantSteps Media Technology Strategies, USA 7. Digital Asset Management ROI (42 mins) Mr. Mark Davey – Cliffe Associates, UK Full series detail @http://hstalks.com/main/browse_talks.php?father_id=573&c=250 |

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