You know the path of least resistance. The natural order of things is the way work should happen. The question is what it the natural order of a process? To many it is the logical way information in this case, moves through an organization. It is the natural process in which transactions and activities should take place. Yet this is not as simple a scenario as one might think. In order to understand natural order and if the natural order or flow is appropriate, we need to take an in-depth look at the process, actors, activities and reasons for the process.
Many processes I have seen and dealt with over the years have come about serendipitously, meaning they happened out of need rather than planning. One way to understand the flow and determine if there is a natural order and if it is in play is to create a detailed map of the process. I know I am making it sound easy and in reality it is a serious and time consuming effort but it is one that is critical to improving your operations. An approach I have used in the past it to take the perspective of following theinformation trail . This can be done from the starting point orreverse engineered from the end point. In either case we are trying to find out where the information comes from when it enters a process.
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