where we’re all acquiring and creating media at an alarming rate-media that requires vast amounts of storage space. If your clients are like mine, they are remarkably unsophisticated, sometimes even careless, about how and why to protect the valuable images we make for them. Drobo® changes all that. When they come crying to you, wouldn’t it be great to be the hero and say, “yes, I’ve got you covered!”
Behind our clients, we all know that pictures and videos of family and friends have clogged our storage and organized archiving capacity. Those 300 and 500MB drives we thought were so big now seem as unusable as our first 128MB CF cards! Over time we acquired a miscellaneous assortment of external drives and thumb drives, so the question becomes, “Just what did I do with last year’s files for the state government or the family reunion. Failure of any one of those devices is catastrophe enough, but you hardly know what you’ve lost due to the piecemeal disorganization. Slow data transfer, especially for video, became a huge work stoppage.
More about video and photo workflow with Drobo® click here. There’s a video about video media editing as well.
Drobo® avoids the hassles, confusion, and tangle of multiple external hard drives. You spend more time doing what you love and less time reading your storage device’s instruction manual. Drobo was designed from the ground up to be simple enough for anyone to use. If one day you realize that you need more space, simply insert another hard drive or replace your smallest drive with a larger one. Drobo is the only instantly expandable redundant storage solution.
If you haven’t gotten serious about protecting your image files, why not? Image safety isn’t rocket science any more, and it’s name is Drobo – we love it! And it didn’t cost an arm and a leg.
Drobo is a little piece of “insurance” that can make all the difference in the world. To us it’s peace of mind on steroids.
Knowing how complicated RAID technology was in the 80‘s and 90‘s, we were slow to adopt Drobo®. Fortunately we had no losses, but we did have that “tangle of drives” that made finding and securing files annoying and time consuming – worse because we work in both video and stills. We opted for the Drobo S with BeyondRAID technology, one for each of us, filling the five bays with 2TB black line drives right from the get go. For the budget minded user, start with just 2 or 3 drives, and expand at will when you need to, or change out smaller drives for larger capacity ones as technology or budget make them available.
Compare Pro models click here. There’s also a video resource guides and a case study about the popular Drobo S model.
Attend a free live webinar to find out more on Thursday, May 31st at 9am Pacific daylight time.
Register here. If you can’t make it live, there will be a download available at drobo.tv.
In the recent past we were shocked by a new wrinkle in the legalities of securing files. Our Professional Photographers of America attorney recommended that we keep files, particularly files where further access might be needed, for 10 years! Maybe more !!! Why we asked. Because this is a legal grey area, where the photographer has performed a service, and the client has an unwritten, tacit right to expect continued access to the results over time. There’s no hard and fast rule, thus the 10 year recommendation. Note this is only a recommendation; state laws and a myriad other legal considerations come into play. Best to be covered by a written contract, of course. But how many of us write a contract, for instance for a quick real estate head shot?
Don’t underestimate the importance of redundant saving for your business contracts and invoicing. Drobo takes your documents AND your image files, of course. Drobo works with MAC, Windows, Linux; attach it to your personal computer, share files over network, or just to back anything and everything digital.
More about Drobo as a special kind of RAID.
Not the police kind, but you could say that Drobo’s system does “police up” your files in an organized, dependable manner and secure them in lockup. RAID now stands for redundant array of independent disks. (Originally most people said the “i” was for inexpensive.)This is the same type of technology – keeping multiple copies, instantly and interchangeably accessible, of sensitive information – that is used by medical organizations, banks, insurance, government. BeyondRAID fixes a host of concerns, most important to you is that you can instantly add storage in the form of more disks or larger capacity ones. If one copy is lost due to hardware failure, the second copy seamlessly drops into line for immediate access. You lose nothing, and Drobo’s “traffic light” LEDs tell what’s going on and when it’s time to replace a hard drive.
Drobo® uses any combination of standard 3.5″ SATA hard drives and currently holds up to 36TB, depending on the model. You can mix and match drive brands, capacities, and speeds. Replace your smallest drive with a larger one and immediately use the new capacity in a matter of seconds. It’s as simple as inserting the new drive into an empty slot or replacing a smaller drive with a larger drive.
More about BeyondRAID click here.
Connected Home Media click here.
How to use Drobo with Pogoplug personal cloud click here.

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