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Blog: Document Asset Management?.
Added ByAlan Pelz-Sharpe
You probably see a variety of overlapping terms to describe the management of content. One example is “assets” — aren’t all content items assets of one kind or another? Like most of the industry, though, we refer to “assets” when talking specifically about rich media. So for example we use the termDocument Management for things like Office files and scanned forms, but when talking about rich media (video, audio, images etc) we refer to DigitalAssetManagement.
It may seem a minor point, but as we statein our Digital Asset Management Report “…in the DAM world, content is a bit more abstract: it’s something with value, hence an asset. The distinction is subtle but important….” Important, because it clarifies that with DAM you don’t manage junk; you only manage items that are of value.
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