Crystal Ball Gazing … Enterprise Content Management 2020 Craig Rhinehart’s ECM Insights.
With a few big ECM related announcements over the past couple of weeks … Microsoft SharePoint 2010 andIBM Advanced Case Management topping the list, I thought I would do a little crystal ball gazing and set my sights on the future. This is always fun and a bit risky at the same time. ConsiderThomas J. Watson, Sr.whodespite very scant evidence is widely creditedwithsaying (in1943): “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers”. I supppose we’ll never know for sure ifWatson said it or not,but despite the risk of being wrong, I sharemy perspective on what ECM will look like in 10 years.
In today’s ECM … You find the document you need
The Document is King
ECM as we know it today started as a way to control paper and evolved to electronic documents. From there it grew into something that could support the document sharing and creation processes and then into electronic business process creation, management and optimization. It has increasingly been enhanced and expanded in a number ways … most notably with better search, process and compliance technologies. Even today, nearly 30 years after the founding of FileNet (who is largely credited for inventing the industry in the 1980s), the document is the center of the universe with everything else in supporting roles.
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