With BCC now not being included in any Media Composer purchase or monthly license, the decision to upgrade becomes an important one. Boris FX needs to put the right tools into BCC9 that will make it worth while for editors to upgrade. Well….let me tell you….they did!
One thing that I tell editors over and over again, when it comes to Boris Continuum Complete, is that it's not just an “effects” package. Yes, it has glows and lens flares, but more so, it's a toolkit of essential tools that you'll need, no matter how picky the producer is sitting in the chair next to you, to get your job done as quickly and looking as good as possible. The Boris FX team has consistently brought better tools to the table every year to make upgrading a no brainer, but what about this year? Well let me tell you, this year is no exception, so of course the big question is, what's new? Let's start with the FX Browser. It lets you quickly and easily browse the entire effects library over video from your timeline. This is a huge workflow enhancement for Media Composer editors. As for effects, new to BCC 9 is Grunge & Edge Grunge, Magic Sharp, ChromaKey Studio,2-Strip Color,Vignette,Lens Correction and Laser Beam. If that's not enough, you now also have 30 new transitions, as well as Open CL and NVIDIA CUDA acceleration for supported graphics cards. Also, the Boris FX team knows how important it is to keep improving on current effects in the package, so they have added some much requested 3D capabilities to BCC Pan & Zoom to take your Ken Burns effects to the next level. In this webinar repeat, I'll show you why these effects and transitions are much welcome additions to an already great package.
Kevin P McAuliffe is a Senior Editor at Extreme Reach MIJO, in Toronto, Canada. You can send him an e-mail at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter @kpmcauliffe.

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