If you haven’t heard about the Southeast Creative Summit coming to Atlanta, Georgia on October 25 – 27 then I hope this article brings to your attention what I think will be a fun and creative weekend. I am honored to be presenting four different sessions on post-production and editorial. I like to think of this event as a mini-NAB Post|Production World conference were a lot of talented professionals will gather to talk and teach the technology they love and the craft they are passionate about. As these events go I think it’s pretty affordable and a discount code below can get you in for $495. This includes an Early Bird discount which is only good until September 25.
I mentioned above that I am honored to be asked to teach some of the classes at this event. I’ve done something similar at NAB for the last few years and I’m always quite humbled that anyone would come out (and pay money) to listen to me blather on about post-production! I realize that attendees at these events aren’t necessarily just coming to take my classes but rather they sign up on the strength and reputation of the event. I’m just an editor with a blog who cuts regular stuff on a regular basis so I’m sure there’s any number of editors around the country who could do the same. I suppose that I started the blog early enough in the rather young life of blogging and the Internet that some good, consistent and helpful articles have built up a bit of a following.
I once had a co-worker ask me why I wrote articles on the Internet and taught at events like the Southeast Creative Summit (and participated in Twitter, and posted in forums) since I was just teaching others how to do my job. And that’s exactly right! That’s one of the main reasons I do it.
The other reason is that I learn as much from doing events like the Southeast Creative Summit as I think some of the attendees do. I don’t do a lot of them since I’m a full time editor and not a “professional” teacher. There’s always the research involved to get ready and but it’s the conversation and interaction with both attendees and other presenters that is my favorite part of these events. I don’t think I’ve ever claimed to know more about post-production than anyone else (though I may have even though I really don’t) so at these kinds of sessions I’m sharing tips and techniques that have helped me throughout my years of editing. Is my way the only way to do things? Of course not and it’s both conversations with others and questions from attendees that often teach me something I didn’t know.
In the sessions I teach I always take time early on to encourage any and all questions at any point during the session. As they say there are no dumb questions and chances are someone else has the same one. If I don’t know the answer I always try to find out and get back with an attendee after the event. But often talking out a question in the class leads to an answer that we discover on our own or with the help of others in the class. It’s really a rewarding experience.
Speaking of those classes here’s a list of the four that I will be leading:
- The Music Video Workflow
- HDSLR Post Production 101
- Useful Tools for Editing and Post Production
- Anatomy of an Edit
You can get a full list of all the other workshops and presenters on their Southeast Creative Summit pages as well. I think this is a unique event to this part of the country. Outside of Los Angeles, New York and Las Vegas I don’t see this type of thing very often so thanks to the Atlanta Cutters for putting it together. There’s plenty to do in Atlanta (the Georgia Aquarium is amazing) so if you can take a few extra days you can have some affordable fun.
The cost for the event is $595 if you register by 9/25/2013. As a media sponsor Pro Video Coalition is happy to offer $100 off with the discount code PVC2013. That gets you all three days at $495 by registering through Sept. 25th. Standard pricing after September 25 is $795. Bulk tickets are available as well so check out the registration page for all of the details.
If you are planning on hitting the Summit then you’ll also want to attend the Atlanta Creative Ball. This will be a fun sit-down dinner modeled on some of the events at NAB. All you might want to know about the Ball is told right here and like most types of these events there will be a raffle where, if your ticket is called, you’ll get to choose your prize. It’ll be fun to see if the Blackmagic Cinema Camera goes before the Flanders Scientific monitor! You don’t have to attend the Southeast Creative Summit itself to go to the ball, attendees just can just same some money on their ball ticket.
The event will be held at the Sheraton Atlanta Hotel and there are special rates available.
If you have any questions or comments about the event or the sessions please ask them in the comments below. I’m happy to be a part of this little party so I’m just doing a small part to help promote what I hope can become an annual event.

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