ADAM Software has raised its capital through a private placement investment from existing shareholders. This third round of financing will support the company’s product leadership strategy and expansion in the US market.
It will enable ADAM Software to exploit growth opportunities in the US where demand for collaborative enterprise marketing solutions is rising. This will include expanding ADAM Software’s US sales organization and investing in its partner channel and expert services capability.
ADAM Software continues to extend its product leadership and launched its fifth generation platform for digital asset management and product content management in May 2013. Its network of partners has significantly grown over the past year to include integrator and technology partners such as Accenture, LBi, Siteworx, Cap Gemini, Hinttech, Stylelabs and TBSCG. Its customers come from many industry sectors and include big-name brands like, Viacom, Ikea, Stanley Black & Decker, Philips, Adidas, JP Morgan Chase, Astra Zeneca and Delhaize.
In parallel with the private placement, Erik Aeyelts Averink has been appointed as President. Erik Aeyelts Averink was President of leading web content management software vendor SDL Tridion and has been an independent board member at ADAM since 2009.
Pieter Casneuf, CEO of ADAM Software, commented: “This financing demonstrates our investors’ confidence in the market-leading potential of ADAM Software. We enter the second half of 2013 with a strengthened management team, substantial industry interest in our new platform and a pipeline of opportunities to improve the enterprise marketing efficiency of companies in the US and globally.”
For more information, contact: Erik Averink – [email protected]
About ADAM Software
ADAM Software makes marketing easier. From content creation to great customer experience, our technology simplifies and improves every aspect of the marketing cycle.

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