A Look At JVC’s New 4K Camera And The Future Larger Sensor Interchangeable Lens Version


At CES JVC officially launched the GY-HMQ10 which is said to be the world’s first handheld 4K camera. A walk through the JVC booth also yielded a further surprise though, tucked away in a corner, behind glass was another 4K camera but this one had a Nikon F-Mount. This is the first time the camera […]

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The new Fotoshop by Adob© can change the way you look!

Fotoshop by Adob© from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo. This is a great video that really nails it in terms of body image just how fake most everything you see in print is these days. It was made be Jesse Rosten and looks like they put in quite a bit of work to get it to […]

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Adobe Launches Lightroom 4 Public Beta


Adobe has opened up a free public beta for Lightroom 4. Once downloaded, users will be able to use LR4 for free until March 31st. For users of Lightroom 3 it looks to be a fairly gentle upgrade so far, though Adobe have been known to keep back some killer features until launch time. The […]

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Blackmagic Design Announces New Intensity Shuttle with Thunderbolt™ Technology


Blackmagic Design today announced Intensity Shuttle, a revolutionary new video capture and playback solution that uses Intel’s groundbreaking Thunderbolt™ technology. Intensity Shuttle makes the highest quality 10-bit SD and HD video affordable for everyone, in a truly portable solution that’s priced at only $239. Intensity Shuttle will be displayed on the Intel CES 2012 booth […]

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Another week in After Effects


Here’s another summary of the last week or so of some news on After Effects tutorials, plug-ins, and scripts. The return to the regular news cycle caught idle hands by surprise with a promise of a big CS6 release, snakes in AE, tracking offscreen, plug-ins, and more. Za Enchu (Cylinder Plus) is a multi-functional plug-in […]

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Fuji Launches New X-Pro 1 And 3 Lenses


Fuji has launched their brand new camera system with a new camera, the X-Pro 1 and three fast primes lenses. The camera follows on from the ever popular X100 with a classic retro styling and is outfitted with a 16MP APS-C sized sensor. Initially three lenses will be available (18mm f2 , 35mm f1.4 , […]

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Canon Creates Its Own Space In The Marketplace With The G1 X


With the mirrorless camera market undeniably in expansion Canon have been the only major manufacturer not to join the party. Nikon took their time with the 1-Series and rather than battling it out with Olympus, Panasonic and Sony they decided to create their own space for the V1 and J1 cameras by implementing a much […]

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Visual Effects Society (VES) Announces Nominees for 10th Annual VES Awards


The Visual Effects Society (VES) today announced the nominees for its 10th Annual VES Awards ceremony recognizing outstanding visual effects artistry in 23 categories of film, animation, television, commercials, special venues and video games. Nominees were chosen Saturday, January 7 by distinguished panels of VES members who viewed submissions at the FotoKem screening facilities in […]

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