Starting this Sunday, May 10, HBO Documentary Films is going to begin air a 4 part documentary series on Alzheimer’s disease called The Alzheimer’s Project. Normally I probably wouldn’t promote or post about an HBO film but this series looks to be a bit more important than most. Alzheimer’s disease is a cruel brain disease that affects over half of all Americans and has an indirect cost estimated at more than $148 billion annually. Any disease with that kind of broad reaching impact deserves a special event like this that HBO is producing. I’ve personally been affected by the disease as my mother suffers from Alzheimer’s and I’ve seen the toll it can take on both the victims and their friends and family so I’ve been encouraging all that I can to watch this series.
But what if you don’t have HBO? It is after all a premium channel that you have to pay extra for. It would appear that HBO is going to provide access to this entire series in almost all media outlets available today. If you have come across the printed advertisements for The Alzheimer’s Project in any number of major magazines you may have seen the list of where the program will be available:
- WATCH IT on HBO and other HBO channels
- DOWNLOAD IT as a podcast
- READ IT in the companion book
- VIEW IT whenever you want on HBO On Demand
It may have happened before but I’m not aware of any other multimedia event that has been broadcast across so many different “new media” outlets. It’s a great use of most all of the distribution channels available today to get the message out about this important subject. Thanks for taking the time to read this post and I hope you are able to check out this documentary series. You can find out more information on Alzheimer’s disease below:

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