5 Things 3
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Yes, I remember it well!

Carsten Orlt

Thank you Mark!!! I’m probably loving the tech talk as much as the next guy. There is a reason why I come here :-). But I must say this is the best and most important article I have read in a long time. I knew you are one of the best teachers, now I know you’re wise man too.

Last edited 3 years ago by Carsten Orlt
Scott Simmons

Agreed! Tech talk and all is fun but this more personal piece was a great read.

Brent Segura-Bowers

Amazing story and timely advice, for sure! Wow, I think I first met you in sfCutters about 20 yrs ago! Crazy. It’s been a real struggle for me since I’ve been working remotely to keep up my yoga & meditation routine. It was much easier to schedule when I was at work. Now, my breaks are costumed with laundry, dishes or pulling weeds. 😂 Good tip to not kick yourself when you’re down; just roll with it and try again the next day. Cheers!

Bill Davis

This may well be the best thing you’ve ever written that I’ve read, Mark. Can’t tell you how much I enjoyed it or how much insight and truth I think it contains. Well done!

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