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Conversations with Adobe: Exploring Productions in Premiere Pro with Matt Christensen (PVC Podcast Bonus Episode)

PVC Podcast Bonus Eps Adobe Productions chat

Bonus Episode! In this edition of the PVC podcast Scott has an in-depth chat with Matt Christensen, one of the architects behind the recent addition to Adobe Premiere Pro, about the new Productions workflow. They chat about more than how to use Productions, diving into the thinking behind it and Adobe’s recent push into the Hollywood market.

Conversations with Adobe: Exploring Productions in Premiere Pro with Matt Christensen is also available as an article on PVC, check it out here:

The PVC Podcast is available on AppleAnchorSpotifyGoogle Podcasts, and more. Subscribe so you don’t miss future episodes! Have a question/ comment? Shoot us a message on Instagram(@provideocoalition) or send us an email:

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