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“Shatter the Ceiling”: A Zoom Gathering of Women Cinematographers

“Shatter the Ceiling”, a gathering of women cinematographers is a zoom meeting, Saturday Dec 12, 2020 at 11:00 AM Pacific Time. The graphic invitation tells the story:

Graphically challenged? “Shatter the Ceiling” is a gathering of women cinematographers and filmmakers in conversation about creative choices and experiences in the current landscape. Topics include:

Sponsored by MasterBuilt Lenses, Keslow Camera, and Hive Lighting.

Topic: Shatter the Ceiling
Time: Dec 12, 2020 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 745 094 5127
Passcode: 8dHeYj

(Sorry for the short notice; I just learned of it myself.)

Disclosure: I’ve attended other MasterBuilt zoom sessions, but those aside there’s no relationship between me and any of the sponsors. It just looks like an interesting event and I thought I should pass it along.

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