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Filmtools Filmmaker Friday featuring Filmmaker Geenah Krisht

With hundreds of careers and opportunities, the filmmaking industry can be a unique experience for a filmmaker. Filmtools decided to take a deeper look into the world of a filmmaker. This week, we had the opportunity to speak to filmmaker Geenah Krisht about her work. This is what she said:

What is your name and where are you from?

Geenah Krisht: Geenah Krisht, Los Angeles, CA

Primary role on set?

Geenah Krisht: Producer, Line Producer, 1st AD

Person in the industry that is on the top of his or her game in your role:

Geenah Krisht: Jenni Konner

If you had to impress someone with your work, what would be the most “well-known” content that you’ve worked on?

Geenah Krisht: The last feature I worked on was 1985 directed by Yen Tan starring Cory Michael Smith, Jamie Chung, Virginia Madsen, and Michael Chiklis.

Best craft services food?

Geenah Krisht: Twizzlers

What’s the coolest project you’ve worked on before?

Geenah Krisht: I produced a comedic TV Pilot last year, Natherine: Future Experience, that was just accepted into ITVFest. It was definitely the most hilarious, crazy, fun, tiresome, perfect production I’ve poured my energy into as of late. I cannot wait to see where ITVFest takes it… hopefully finishing out production for all of Natherine Season 1.

When you arrive at set, what’s the first thing you do?

Geenah Krisht: If I’m producing, greet the homies, get my little production office nook all set up, then pour myself a cup of coffee. If I’m ADing, greet the homies, make sure everyone has sides, schedules, call sheets for the day, check in with my 2nd, then pour myself that cup of coffee.

How did you break into this industry?

Geenah Krisht: I interned at a film company during college where I was working under the producer and creating content on a talk show with the Dallas Cowboys.

What challenges have you faced?

Geenah Krisht: This industry is a challenge in and of itself, but finding and surrounding myself with respectful, genuine humans has been the most rewarding challenge of all.

Do you have a piece of essential gear that you don’t leave without?

Geenah Krisht: I always have my G2 pilot pen, my laptop, and my aluminum anything-proof clipboard— which can always be found at Filmtools.

Current TV obsession?

Geenah Krisht: Currently re-watching all of Parks and Rec and obsessing over Another Period on Comedy Central. Also, I’m currently impatiently waiting for Better Things on FX and Broad City on Comedy Central to return very, very soon (yay!).

Do you binge-watch new shows or pace them out?

Geenah Krisht: I am definitely a binge watcher. When I have time to watch shows, it means I’ve really got time to watch shows. And when I am super busy, I have no time to watch anything at all. There’s nothing better than wrapping production on a show and then binge watching yourself back to health (lol).

What piece of gear do you have your eye on?

Geenah Krisht: I’ve got my eyes peeled for an affordable light panel with adjustable color temperature and brightness. I’d love to add that to my gear closet.

Camera – Should you own or rent?

Geenah Krisht: Depends on what department you work in, where your career lies, what gigs you are working, but I lean toward renting almost always. Most times when you’ve got the budget to hire on a cinematographer, you’ve also got the budget to rent out whatever camera package is right for the project (a.k.a. whatever the director and DP decide on together after breaking down the script etc.)

Lenses – Should you own or rent?

Geenah Krisht: For me, rent. Like I said though, it truly depends on what department you work in, where your career lies, what gigs you are working.

What are you currently working on?

Geenah Krisht: I am developing a comedy series formatted for broadcast television at about 21-24 minutes each with my co-writer Zain Haidar. I’m also putting the finishing touches on a feature script with writer/director Rachel Wilson and writer Dave Van Dorselaer.

Rachel Wilson and I also co-founded the clothing brand More Feminist Comedy Please a couple of years back. We currently have t-shirts and stickers, but we are expanding to have sweatshirts, hats, pins, and magnets in the very near future.

What advice would you give to people interested in this industry?

Geenah Krisht: Be honest with yourself about what you fires you up, and then go for it. No time for safety nets because if you’ve got one, you’re going to use it.

Where can people follow you on social?

Geenah Krisht: Twitter and Instagram @geenahkrisht


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