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Cage Your GoPro Hero

Cage Your GoPro Hero 1

Making appearances in everything from, web video, television and even motion pictures, GoPro cameras have become a permanent fixture in the digital filmmaking landscape.  No one can deny GoPro's ability to deliver incredible shots that would be in many cases impossible to achieve with standard cameras. 

The problem with GoPro, however, is its mount.  The lack of mounting points as well as its lack of real reinforcement make the GoPro case/mount the camera's key liability. 

Enter the Cobalt Cage

The Cobalt Cage is an all aluminum housing that encases the GoPro Hero 1, 2 or 3 for ultimate protection, exceptional mounting and rigging support. and extensive accessory attachments.

Unlimited Mounting Options

Accessorize Your Hero

With all those 1/4-20 mounts, you can now add LED lighting, microphones, additional power–anything needed to elevate the shot’s production value.The Cobalt Cage from Redrock Micro starts and $99, and you can find out more at


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