Tagging is folksonomy but folksonomy is not tagging !

Tagging is folksonomy but folksonomy is not tagging ! No I’m not looking to squeeze the maximum number of buzzwords into a title, but to make my point that folksonomy means more than simply tagging. Today it’s undoubtedly true that folksonomy is systematically associated with tagging. There are numerous definitions of folksonomy on the Internet […]

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Is the Internet for the empty space in our brains?

I have always been fascinated how a seed turns into a tree, all the knowledge compacted into a tiny life form. I have always wondered why we humans appear to only use a fraction of our brains capacity, and what Einstein meant by training his brain. My Desktop/Browser Web 2.5 It is Saturday morning, I […]

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Managing assets in the age of global warming

DAM certainly reduces companies environmental footprint, it saves time, resources, energy and the strain on the planet. DAM is a no brainer in this respect. Managing assets in the age of global warming An environmental sustainability perspective on asset management technologies Companies that adopt sustainable business practices may be better positioned for the future than […]

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