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MZed Pro: buy one membership, give one free and help LA’s Food Bank

MZed Pro: buy one membership, give one free and help LA’s Food Bank

When you buy an MZed Pro membership for yourself, you’ll get a free bonus membership to gift out and a portion of all memberships and purchases goes to Los Angeles Food Bank.

MZed has launched a “Get One, Gift One” initiative – when an individual purchases an MZed Pro membership, they’ll instantly receive a Pro membership that can be gifted to someone else. It’s a way for filmmakers to support their fellow filmmakers with the tools to continue to learn and hone their craft. Announcing the initiative, Mzed noted that “in our isolated world right now, here is a way you can reach out to another filmmaker and connect over a shared love of filmmaking and learning. We’re all in this together, and if we’re going to be spending a lot of time at home, we may as well learn together as well.”

With event cancellations and business closures shutting down a majority of film, TV, and corporate video productions,  continues Mzed, “many of us in the filmmaking industry are suddenly left without work. While health is everyone’s number one priority, the financial repercussions of this pandemic are still hard to stomach. The hardest hit are the less fortunate among us who were already struggling before the cancellations began. We all need to do our part to help one another through this difficult time.”

Help the Los Angeles Food Bank

MZed serves the creative community, a large portion of which lives in the LA area and are feeling the hit of the lockdown due to the coronavirus hardest. With its actions MZed hopes to help play a role in keeping high-risk members of the community fed during a time of extreme uncertainty, when so many people are suffering as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak around the world.

MZed decided to extend its help to the community and right now, 20% of all MZed purchases will be donated to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. That means that for every new MZed Pro membership you’re donating $60, which equates to providing 240 meals to feed hungry children, seniors, and families. The same goes for membership renewals, and course and lesson purchases. MZed plans to do this throughout April but possibly longer as the current situation changes day to day.

Learn filmmaking skills while home

As Scott Emerton of MZed says, “Let’s break down our isolation walls and connect with each other, share our love for filmmaking, raise our collective spirits, and learn some valuable filmmaking skills along the way. When all this is over, we’ll all be more grateful for each other and for our shared experiences, more than we ever have before.”

MZed offers hundreds of hours of training courses covering everything from photography and filmmaking to audio and lighting in courses like The Art of Storytelling with Alex Buono and Philip Bloom’s Cinematic Masterclass. We’re excited to get the word out about how creatives can give back to the community in their own creative endeavors.

If you’re staying home and want to watch filmmaking lessons for free, visit MZed. With over 200 hours of high quality filmmaking education,  an MZed Pro subscription is, says the company, “one of the best investments for filmmakers of all skill levels” but there’s plenty of free courses and introduction lessons for you to watch, without having to make a single purchase. Check them out and maybe you decide to get a subscription. You’ll get a second, completely free, and you’ll be helping the Los Angeles Food Bank.

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