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B&H Releases the HDSLR Guide



Last week, B&H unleashed their HDSLR guide gaining much attention by those of us in the HDSLR community. More than just a string of facts, this elegant and interactive experience takes us through the history of the HDSLR, accurately chronicling its evolution prompted by numerous innovations from users and manufacturers alike.

The guide also breaks down the numerous applications and varous careers that are taking advantage of this technology. What I’ve found most impressive is that for the first time, B&H has given the community a chronology of how, when and why this revolution began. This is important because the advances are moving so fast that without a touchstone, we may just forget how this all began.

Hungry for more information about the guide, I reached out to B&H’s creative director, David Bitton about his work on the guide, how it was developed and where he sees it going.

PVC: How did you first get involved with producing the B&H HDSLR Guide?

DB: As soon as HDSLRs took off with the release of the Nikon D90, we understood from customer feedback that beyond its benefits, it was also becoming an area of confusion with many challenges to overcome. Helping customers is part of our essence at B&H, so naturally we took it up.

PVC: What was your goal from the start?

DB: To clear the confusion and ensure that anyone that decided to get into the HDSLR world would be doing so with a solid understanding of what’s involved.

PVC: How long did you spend researching?

DB: Research on customer feedback had been on-going before the guide was initiated, which was a great head start. We compiled a list of all issues that customers were facing. We also discovered certain fundamental principles about photography and cinematography that needed more wide spread understanding.

PVC: Who or what types of people did you contact for research?

DB: Luckily at B&H we’re surrounded by professionals working in the store, the phone and online chat who know quite a bit about this topic. When we had the basics covered, we approached industry professionals to get their perspectives and preferred solutions.

PVC: How do you see the HDSLR Guide growing?

DB: As the HDSLR evolves, we will also evolve to ensure we cover new technologies, processes and gear.

PVC: What do you think people will gain by reading the guide?

DB: People who are considering getting into HDSLRs will be better equipped to make a decision. Existing users will learn how to maximize its potential and avoid the pitfalls.

PVC: Is this more than just sales material?

DB: The guide was created as part of B&H’s long held belief that giving more to our customers should not be contingent on sales. This was firmly ingrained in our approach and its mark will be seen by readers who encounter a distinctly honest examination of HDSLR technology and gear.

PVC: What else would you like to add about the HDSLR Guide?

DB: The guide will continue to grow and be updated as the industry develops and matures. We are also planning to develop more guides of this nature for other topics. We would welcome any feedback on the HDSLR guide, or suggestions for future guides emailed to: {encode=”” title=””}

For more information or to check out the guide yourself, you can find it on their website at

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