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XML Files or a Database

EnterMedia digital asset management keeps track of data items such as User, Asset, Group, Download, etc. Each type of data is configured to use either a database or XML text files (1 file for each User). With EnterMedia, you can mix and match how you want to store your data. For example: User being in a database table and Group being an XML file.

In addition, data can be stored in EnterMedia using several methods, such as: XML, Hibernate, Lucene, Cumulus, CSV, JDBC, and DB4O.

EnterMedia has an optional database connector compatible with all major database vendors and we do work on large database applications for Fortune 500 companies. However, we recommend XML for everything unless you have business requirements that require a database for your data.

XML File advantages:

1. Upgrade protection. XML is backward and forward compatible. With a database you will have problems using the same database across newer or older versions of the software.
2. Data can be copied from one server to another. Great for moving things from test to production.
3. Data can be backed up along with your assets. To backup a repository you can just copy or zip up the folder structure.
4. Is not proprietary. Easy to work with and compatible with lots of tools. Can be edited with a text editor if needed.
5. Faster. Our full text search system caches the XML and is very fast.
6. Modular. Using files within folders to store the data allows many separate applications to be running together. Think of InDesign. It would be annoying to create a new database each time you wanted to create an InDesign file.

Hey, Google uses a file based search system as well!

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