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Whose Fingers Are in Your DAM?

Image by jula julz via Flickr

In the midst of a digital asset management breakdown, you may wonder why you went to a DAM system in the first place. Stop wondering. DAM systems are the one of the best ways for large creative operations to compete in the digital age. The key to doing more good than harm is to find a DAM solution that provides the levels of granular control your organization needs.

OK, so you finally have your logos, images, message documents and case studies all organized in your new digital asset management (DAM) system and all is right with the world. Then it happens.

You suddenly start getting emails from your sales team that old logos are being used on spec sheets — but that’s just the beginning. Someone has photoshopped a new product box of unreleased software into your homepage image. And one of your distributors is on the phone wanting to know why his competitor has your new marketing material and he doesn’t.

Yikes. Instead of solving a problem, have you just created a digital asset monster?!?

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