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When User Experience meets Information Management

When User Experience meets Information Management – Contentation Re-considered.


We recently went through the rise ofcontent composite platforms, a new generation of ECM platform, which could serve, coupled to aUser Experience Studio, as an integrated backbone to rapidly develop a wide range ofcontent rich applications.

As recently mentioned byScott Brinker: “The concept of “the web site” is becoming less important than the underlying content and its social propagation. People now consume online content on a variety of devices, from their computers, their iPhones and Android phones, and new tablets like the iPad. They consume content not necessarily from the site of the content producer, but from social media hubs, social networks, aggregators, and a wave of social sharing services from which it is reblogged and reposted (or reshared as the term du jour). You need to design your content — and the process and metrics by which you generate and maintain that content — to be effortlessly absorbed into this malleable and organic distribution engine. It’s a different paradigm than the closed walls of the 1990’s web site.

This directly leads to two main conclusions which could be resumed by two quotes from thisRazorfish Nimble report:

Firstly, the multiplication of channels is not an end itself but a way to reach your different targeted audiences within their context of content consumption and usage. At the end of the day, I don’t think the user really cares about where this content lives. They want useful information. Jim Stanley, VP of Products, Technology and News

Which automatically conducts to the second assertion:
You can’t afford to [create] a piece of content for any one platform. Instead of crafting a website, you have to put more effort into crafting the description of an asset and the different bits of an asset, so they can be reused more effectively, so they can deliver more value.” Nic Newman of the BBC

Handling and managing the combinations of all the various possible user experiences becomes an even increasing tougher challenge which need its own set of dedicated software tools. This opens the doors to a new generation of user experience management solutions which are at the juncture of WCM, Portal, Collaboration and Social. Some may call it WCM 2.0, others Portal 2.0, others WEM or UXP.

Information Lifecycle Management vs User Experience Management

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