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What Would You Build With a Web of Data?

Open Thread: What Would You Build With a Web of Data?.

Recently we looked atthe state of Linked Data in 2010, noting developments such asgovernments putting public data online and Thomson Reuters putting structure around commercial data usingOpenCalais. In a follow-up post, we explained the distinction betweenLinked Data, Open Data and the Semantic Web.

Georgi Kobilarov, who runs a Linked Data startup from Germany calledUberblic Labs, recently issuedan interesting challenge on his blog. He asked: if we had a Web of Data, what would you build? Not to steal Georgi’s thunder, but we think this is a great question to put to ReadWriteWeb readers too.

Here’s Georgi’s idea:

“If we had a Web of Data, I would built an application for painless travel planning. It would integrate flight plans, train timetables, bus routes, car rental offers, etc. And the user would be able to just say: I want to go from A to B: Find me the best/cheapest/fastest routes. […] With a Web of Data, an application could do all that combining for me, the same way flight booking sites do that today for just flights.”

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