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Web-To-Print and Celum IMAGINE

Celum Imagine has geared itself to Web-To-Print functionality through the introduction of its Brand and Marketing Automation add-on modules.

The aim of Web-To-Print is to provide users with the ability to submit, proof and manage design templates ONLINE.

For example: an employee needs new business cards after a promotion. Instead of commissioning the design of new cards she simply logs onto the Celum DAM and accesses a pre-approved business card template. She inputs her name, designation and contact details into pre-designated template within the DAM itself. The final design is saved to PDF and sent to the printer – all handled online.

Web-To-Print is an innovative print-ordering process that automates the following:

– Customising
– Editing/Correcting
– Proofing
– Approving
– Ordering

There are many advantages to using a Web-To-Print solution. The most notable are:

1. Save time
2. Save costs
3. Maintain brand consistency
4. Accelerate the print process

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