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Topaz DeNoise: Less Noise, More Detail


Topaz DeNoise: Less Noise, More Detail 1
There’s one valid and simple reason why I mostly use Topaz Labs DeNoise when editing images. It works! Using it regularly is something that grew naturally in me, as I find the results worthwhile the effort. Now, it is not the fastest noise removal software around, but it surely can offer you results you usually do not get with other software.

Topaz Labs claims Topaz DeNoise can recover the equivalent of 4 stops of light, that’s shooting at 1600 ISO and have final results looking like 100 ISO. I leave that to you to explore, but I know I’ve used it in images shot at 3200 ISO on an old EOS 50D, and I surely got results I would hardly achieve other way.

I do not always use DeNoise, because I try to take most of my photography at lower ISO values, but the times I’ve had to resort to higher ISO, I will use DeNoise. In fact I use it a lot of times while working on Topaz Adjust, my main program from Topaz Labs, because it is one of the options there, enough for most situations, when working at lower ISO settings but still needing an extra touch of noise removal or reduction.

DeNoise has historically been one of the most popular programs from Topaz, and for good reasons. If you Google for reviews you’ll find very good remarks about the program, which works as a plugin for the most used photography editors in the market.

While other noise reduction software tends to strike a good balance between processing speed and quality, DeNoise focuses entirely on the quality of the results you get. The trade-off is that it takes longer to process an image in order to get better results. The image below, provided by Topaz Labs, is an example of what the program can do: the books stay sharp and that there’s no soft edges or smudged details.

A solution for “tough” cases of image noise, allowing you to save images that otherwise would probably  be thrown away, Topaz DeNoise is now being sold with a 50% promotion. Just use the coupon “mardenoise” and buy your copy of the program. If you’re not sure about what it can do for you, download a trial version and see for yourself. But remember: the promotion ends on the 31st of March 2014.

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