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The Democracy of DAM

Image by angad84 via Flickr

The Democracy of DAM – PHILIP SPIEGEL – DAM Ideas.

We hold these truths to be self evident, that allcontent is created equal, that they are endowed by thier creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

I am obviously having some fun with the language from the Declaration of Independence but it seemed timely as we approach the 4th of July holiday in the US and relevant to the responsibilities of digital asset managers. DAMsta’s are nothing if not liberators of content allowing for the happy pursuit of access and re-use…aka content life).

But is all content created equally?

I’ve posted on this before indifferent forms and the answer is no. In reality, content is managed in a caste system that effects how, when and to what depth it is managed and then ultimately appears in a DAM environment. Some assets are more important than others. The importance is defined by the business rules around the process and can be driven by rights, shelf life or timeliness, format, location, and the topic and context of the content, etc.

All content is not created equally.

Lets pause for a second for my archive-centric bretheren to stop hyperventilating and then explore this concept further.

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