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Text mining drives site growth for Canadian publisher

Image by chitaka via Flickr

Even the editors are warming up to CMS functionality byRob ORegan

The evolving science of content management is opening up new revenue opportunities for many digital publishers. One emerging technology that is changing the way publishers package and distribute content is text mining or text analysis.

Text mining uses semantic analysis to determine patterns and relevancy within a publisher’s content assets. The analysis spits out metadata that helps editors categorize and package content, based on a shared taxonomy orontology (which extends the taxonomy concept by describing information and defining relationships among items).

The ability to dynamically group and link content enables editors to repurpose assets more efficiently and, theoretically at least, increase the reach and impact of a site’s content. At Canadian publisher Gesca, that’s precisely what’s happening. The company uses Nstein Technologies’ Text Mining Engine (TME) and Web Content Management (WCM) software to power its web properties, which,, and

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