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Taxonomy Boot Camp 2009

Making content discoverable is the job of a well-constructed, robust taxonomy — and a mission-critical objective for today’s organizations. Designed,developed,implemented,and managed effectively,a taxonomy or categorization scheme ensures people are finding and using precise information in myriad internal data collections and websites.

Now in its 5th year,Taxonomy Boot Camp has proven to be an incredible opportunity to immerse yourself in 2 days of tightly integrated, interactive sessions with some of the leading practitioners and thought leaders in taxonomies. Sessions and speakers will explore the state of taxonomies and the technologies involved, and challenge you to consider how taxonomies and information organization approaches are evolving – and where you’ll fit in that future. The program highlights case studies, practical and thought-engaging sessions on ontologies, folksonomies, taxonomies in Sharepoint, lessons learned, metrics, demonstrating value, governance, and taxonomy management. Join others working in content management,taxonomies,knowledge management,information architecture,or any information-rich function for informative, insightful discussions.

Taxonomy Boot Camp is packed with practical advice for taxonomy specialists about tools, products, and technology for categorization options, along with information about how to choose, develop, deploy, and maintain the right categorizer for specific business needs.

At Taxonomy Boot Camp 2009 attendees will learn about:

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