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Take a Tour of the Digital Process Workflow Lab

The Digital Process Workflow Lab debuted at Createasphere's Entertainment Technology Expo this year with much success. The DPW Lab demonstrates an ideal workflow, offering solutions to the challenges of secure data handling and large data storage requirements along with accurate color and metadata challenges. The one-of-a-kind lab allowed attendees to experience how data travels from production to the cloud to a post facility all the way to special effects. Attendees were able to gain a better understanding of how the cloud impacts the content creation process and showcases a new model for content creation.

Chad Andrews, Vertical Strategist, Telecommunications, Media & Entertainment at Dell, was an essential part of DPW and took the time to walk us through the lab and explain how each station functions within the workflow.


To learn more about the DPW Lab, download the whitepaper or watch 5th Kind's Steve Cronan explain their role in the workflow.


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