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Pew That: Getting to the Semantic Web Won’t Be Easy

Pew That: Getting to the Semantic Web Won’t Be Easy – Semantic Web.

Will the semantic web live up to the vision of Tim Berners-Lee? According to respondents to asurvey conducted by the Pew Research Center’s & American Life Project and Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center, no – and yes. Slightly more (47 percent) of the 895 experts polled for the survey say it’s more likely to be the case that the semantic web won’t be as effective as hoped and won’t make much of a difference in the lives of average users than those who say it will have made significant progress and have significant impact (41 percent).

Not as ringing an endorsement as one might like, but it’s not as if they’re saying it will never happen as envisioned – just that it will take longer than the next ten years. For example, Susan Crawford, founder of OneWebDay, Internet law professor at the University of Michigan, former special assistant in the Obama administration for Science, Technology and Innovation, believes “there will be more and better meta-information, but it will continue to be opportunistic, siloed, and ad hoc in 2020.”

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