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Open Source DAM vs. Commodity Digital Asset Management Pricing

Image via Wikipedia

Open Source DAM vs. Commodity Digital Asset Management Pricing.

There is always discussion on various chat groups about saving money by using Open Source code for building your owndigital asset management (DAM) system. There was a time when IT departments were better staffed and funds for development projects were not limited – during this time, this made sense.

But today with DAM systems – especially ahosted DAM solution – at very low, almost commodity pricing, it does not make sense to build your own. Granted I work for a company that that has been in the digital asset management space for over 20 years, so my opinion might be a bit slanted.

With a home-grown system usually the IT person who built it, supports it. In previous times, people spent their entire careers at a single company, but that is more the exception these days. So when the developer leaves, what happens to the DAM support? Either someone else needs to learn it, if there is good documentation, or worse case, reverse-engineer it. I know this because we have been called in to help reverse engineer a system or two so that we could extract the metadata along with the data.

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