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Justifying Investments in Digital Asset Management

Friday, July 24, 2009 byJake Athey

Since the Aberdeen Group Report, The Marketers Guide to Justifying Investments in Digital Asset Management, came out,we’vebeen speaking with all sorts of organizations from various vertical industries – manufacturing, retail,healthcare, financial services, insurance and non-profits to name a few – about their marketing operations and digital media management practices. Organizations of all shapes and sizes are learning more about leveraging Digital Asset Management technologies for enhancing brandmanagement and improving return on marketing investments with greater ability to reuse, repurpose and re-channel existing digital media assets.Is DAM right for you? Where do you stand?

Gauge how you compare with the Aberdeen Studyparticipantsand others researching DAM systems…Take the live poll below:

Where’s your marketing content?

…compared to the Aberdeen Study participants

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