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IMUG MediaMotion Ball News

The 16th annual MediaMotion Ball will be held Monday, April 8th from 5:30pm in the Main Ballrooms of the Monte Carlo Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada during the NAB Show. Luminaries of the production, post-production and motion design community will gather for this premier user event. 
The International Media Users Group (IMUG) MediaMotion Ball organizing team is proud to announce that Jonas Hummelstrand and Mark Christiansen will be the keynote speakers at the 16th annual MediaMotion Ball.  Jonas Hummelstrand is a VFX Supervisor and Broadcast Designer at Swedish Broadcasting Corp. Recent projects include extensive VFX work on the hit sci-fi drama series “Real Humans”. He is also part of the CasparCG (open source video & graphics playout) team. Mark Christiansen is the author of the After Effects Studio Techniques (now in production on the sixth edition), VFX Supervisor and artist on features including Avatar, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and Beasts of the Southern Wild, producer and trainer for Adobe, and; co-host of the VFX Show podcast for fxguide, and founder of New Scribbler Press.
“Jonas and Mark are brilliant talents in their own rights, and each of them exemplifies what I call the 'versatile creative'. That is: Individuals driven to apply their core creative talent to deliver excellence across multiple media types.” stated IMUG founder Carey Dissmore. “We are delighted to have them together on stage at the MediaMotion Ball, where they'll be giving us an exclusive peek inside the production of one of their latest projects.”
The MediaMotion Ball is the premier event for post production, motion graphics, 3D artists and anyone in the production field attending NAB. Always held on Monday of NAB week, the MediaMotion Ball is now in it's 16th year. This first class event features a relaxed gourmet meal, live acoustic music, presentations, and networking opportunities. In addition, over $40,000 in prizes from sponsors like AJA, Maxon, Blackmagic Design, Flanders Scientific, Avid, Video Copilot, Adobe, Red Giant, Pond 5, aescripts + aeplugins and many more will be featured in the “Famous MMB Prize Draw”.
Doors to the MediaMotion Ball open at 5:30pm for cocktails and mingling. Presentations begin about 6:50pm. Dinner is served about 7:20pm. Door Prizes are drawn throughout the evening. 
The IMUG began with its first NAB events in 1998, with the goal of fostering face-to-face interactions amongst the members of our online community. While our community's activity is now spread throughout social media, forums and the blogosphere, The mailing lists remain the anchor of this community. Every day, our 3000+ members interact on subjects of video production, post production, motion graphics, compression and sound business strategy. Always held on NAB Monday, the MediaMotion Ball is now in it's 16th year. The MediaMotion Ball has grown in both size and reach and is one of the premier user events in the NAB landscape. Everyone involved with the MMB is a volunteer and it is run as a not-for-profit event.
Anyone who works in the fields of production, post production or motion graphics design is welcome! 
The event has sold out, but a few tickets may be made available at the advance price of $49 USD as cancellations are received. Registration and the latest prize information can be found at
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