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How to Avoid an Endless and Unusable Archive


How to Avoid an Endless and Unusable Archive 1Remember that scene at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark, where they put the Ark into the massive storage unit that had countless boxes of the same size and shape? Remember how huge it looked, and how you could only wonder what other treasures would be housed there?

I know a lot of people have similar thoughts about the assets they manage and use on a daily basis.  They know their archive contains countless treasures that can be utilized in countless ways, but the process of finding those assets is a difficult one.  What makes it worse is that instead of the huge but limited space of a warehouse, people today are dealing with digital storage which has no such limitations.  When you fill up your warehouse, you’re done collecting things in it.  When you fill up your digital storage, you simply buy more storage space. 

Regardless of your role or the size of your company or organization, managing these assets is a critical aspect. You need to be able to figure out how to arrange things in a way that makes sense to everyone so that these assets are utilized and not placed in a digital storage unit, never again to see the light of day.  These assets are what can and will help you grow, so you need to be able to access and use them on a regular basis.  But establishing that process and protocol is not a simple task.

That’s why we’re going to talk with some experts about how they’ve been able to work through and establish those processes and protocols.  On May 7th, at 10:00am PDT I’ll be joined by Mohan Taylor, Michelle Taylor, John Bookmyer and Paul Montrone to discuss critical success factors for managing digital and visual assets.  We’ll be having a roundtable discussion, so you’ll be able to hear and see our participants talk through their opinions and showcase how and why they’ve been able to make this process work. 

We’ll be taking questions the entire time and of course will be looking to hear your experiences and discuss the challenges many of you are and will be facing.

Managing digital and visual assets doesn’t have to be like placing the Ark into the warehouse, never to see the light of day again.  But doing so means coming up with a protocol and process that will allow you to avoid this fate.  So join to establish how you can do just that.



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