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DAM is this "aaS" big enough?

Vignette bets big on beta-SaaS


So many things have gotten the “aaS” (as-a-service) suffix in the past year that it’s hard to imagine anything new or noteworthy being added to the list at this point. But I’m starting to think that a new flavor of “aaS” (yes, I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this…) may well be in the works. I’ll spare you the mental anguish of a new acronym. We can just call it what it is: hosted beta testing, or beta-software-as-a-service.

Hosted beta testing may not be new. But it’s far from the norm. It’s an underutilized (to say the least) alternative to the usual “Go fly our kite in a storm and report back to us” type of beta testing. I think it could catch on bigtime, though, for many of the same reasons SaaS has gotten so much traction lately.

Content management vendorVignette, it turns out, is placing a major bet on “beta-SaaS.” The company says that ahead of the next major release of their flagship Vignette Content Management offering, beta customers will be able to take advantage of something called the Vignette Virtual Environment (VVE) Program (known in Austin as “the sandbox”). The company says that VVE will provides beta testers with virtualized instances of V-next running on a full technology stack, with a great deal of infrastructure already configured, so that testers can hit the ground running

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