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Clustering document management


Clustify analyzes the text in your documents to group them into clusters of related documents. During that process, it identifies the most important keywords that cause the documents in the cluster to be considered similar to each other. The keywords give you a quick idea of what each cluster is about, and they allow you to easily identify the themes of your document set. Clustify reports the frequency for each keyword, and allows you to browse clusters containing a set of keywords you specify. Clustify also identifies a “representative document” for each cluster. All documents in the cluster are similar to the representative document within the limit that you specify. This allows you to make decisions about all of the documents in the cluster by looking only at the representative document, reducing the amount of labor needed to review the documents.

For example, if you are a litigator hunting for evidence of price fixing by a manufacturer and the representative document for a cluster is about the company’s health plan, the other documents in that cluster aren’t worth spending time on since they are probably about the health plan too. On the other hand, if the representative document describes a bid for a project, a detailed review of the other documents in that cluster is justified. Think of Clustify as a tool for organizing your documents into boxes so that you can make decisions one box at a time, instead of one document at a time.

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