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Behavioral targeting: The dos and don'ts

Every marketer’s dream is to know as much as possible about a consumer to improve brand image and generate sales by sending exactly the right message to the right audience at the right time.

Image by eschipul via Flickr

Every marketer’s dream is to know as much as possible about a consumer to improve brand image and generate sales by sending exactly the right message to the right audience at the right time.

But when do consumers think we have “gone too far” in tracking their behavior? A growing number believe their every click of a mouse, swipe of a card or call on their cell phone is being recorded and sold to the highest bidder. And … in some instances, they aren’t too far off the mark.

Consequently marketers and their data collection practices are under the spotlight like never before. For companies with a brand to protect, this can be an uncomfortable place to be. While you don’t want to be the next negative headline in theWall Street Journal, you also don’t want to be so reluctant to embrace new marketing intelligence that provides a positive return on investment, or that you let the competition beat you.

Here are five simple rules to follow when evaluating your campaigns that utilize behavioral intelligence, whether it comes from sites visited, search keywords, email content, cell phone tracking or TV shows watched.

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