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7 business models for linked data

7 business models for linked data.

Now thatmajor companies are implementing linked data, and more marketing thought leaders arechampioning data as an outward-facing competitive advantage, the question I’m hearing more frequently is:

How do you turn data into revenue?

Creating, publishing, and maintaining data takes work. What are the economic incentives for companies to put in the effort?

Here’s my take on 7 business models for data web initiatives:

I’ve organized these byhow revenue is generated, from direct money-for-data to indirect branding programs.

Within each of these revenue models, there’s also a secondary dimension ofhow the data is delivered, whether in raw form for others to leverage in their own applications or embedded into a pre-packaged application provided directly to end-users.

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Thoughts on Linked Data Business Models Lost Boy A journal of no fixed aims or direction, by Leigh Dodds

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