As announced at Apple’s WWDC in June 2019, DoubleTake is an app from FilMiC Pro which allows multicam recording...
Many content producers are excited about Adobe’s new Premiere Rush. That’s the final product name for the code-named Project...
I first became aware of MoviePro’s advantages over FiLMiC Pro from Cielo de la Paz of The Storyographist. She...
When you shoot video on iOS (including iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch), framerates don’t work the way they do...
I have been covering this iOS video editing tool since way back when it was born as Avid Studio...
I recently covered how proper digital USB audio is coming to Android (link ahead), which means that iOS devices...
As the developer previously committed, Pinnacle Studio for iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch has now added both 48 kHz audio as default...
What does “24p” or “30p” mean when a manufacturer states it? How can we tell if —and when— they...
Pinnacle Studio for iPad (previously known as Avid Studio for iPad) has thankfully added missing framerates including 24 +...
Thanks to reader René Borroto, I became aware of Panasonic’s announcement of the new GH4 camera and its optional...