Finding the perfect clip now comes with an added benefit. Artbeats, the industry’s leading creative royalty-free stock footage resource, has introduced an online scavenger hunt in celebration of the industry’s newest all-inclusive stock footage service, Artbeats FootageHub. Taking place now through Jan. 31, 2010, the Artbeats $40,000 Scavenger Giveaway provides participants weekly opportunities to win free stock footage collections, software packages and industry resources. All successful searchers will also receive automatic entry in the Scavenger Giveaway Grand Prize drawing featuring a top-of-the-line MacBook Pro laptop, thousands of dollars worth of Artbeats stock footage and incredible software prizes from renowned industry developers Adobe, Boris FX, CoreMelt, Maxon, NewBlueFX, Red Giant Software, Smartsound, Total Training and VASST.
How it Works
Each week Artbeats will randomly select a still image representative of a stock footage clip available for purchase via Artbeats FootageHub. The image will be placed on the $40,000 Scavenger Giveaway homepage, as a clue. Contestants must then utilize Artbeats’ easy-to-use keyword search function to locate the clip at The “$40,000 Scavenger Giveaway” icon will appear on the sought-after clip’s detail page and upon locating, participants must simply click the found icon to ensure their submission. Participants must utilize or obtain an official Artbeats account log-in to enter. No purchase is necessary to participate.
To enter this week’s challenge, or for more information about sponsors, contest rules and prizes, please visit, or follow Artbeats on Twitter.
About Artbeats
Artbeats, founded in 1989, is an award-winning provider of royalty-free stock footage for broadcast, feature films, commercial, multimedia, game development and independent producers. The Artbeats library encompasses an extensive array of royalty-free NTSC, PAL, HD and RED high-resolution clips in a variety of subjects including aerials, cities, nature scenics, special effects, medical animations, international locations and much more. Introduced in 2009, Artbeats FootageHub is a diverse, ever-growing online conglomeration of over 50 unique brands of stock footage that expands creative possibilities for any project or budget.
Artbeats is headquartered in Myrtle Creek, Ore. with a staff of artists, producers, technicians and marketers. Some of Artbeats’ clients include Dreamworks, Comedy Central, BBC, DirecTV, American Idol, Pixar, CNN, Activision and many more.
For more information, please visit, follow Artbeats on Twitter, or become an Artbeats Facebook Fan.

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